Airwin Serrano Ditianquin |
Various universities and colleges from different parts of the Philippines brought their best students and faculty researchers, gathered together, and participated in the 5th Northern Philippines Business Research Conference (5th NPBRC 2024) held from February 29 to March 1, 2024, at the Angeles University Foundation, Angeles City, Philippines. |
This international business research conference, with the theme “Business Beyond Boundaries: Navigating the Future of Research and Innovation,” aims to achieve excellent research outputs that are scientifically written as asserted by one of the resource speakers, Dr. Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih, Founder & Chairperson of Research Synergy Foundation (RSF). |
Attendees were also privileged to virtually explore and identify reputable and predatory international journals as presented by the RSF Founder & Director for Publication, Prof. Ani Wahyu Rachmawati. On the other hand, Prof. Santi Rahmawati, RSF Founder & Director for Global Network and Operation, guided the attendees and shared some practical tips on how to prepare a full paper for Scopus-indexed journal publication. |
Indeed, this one-of-a-kind international business research conference was a memorable experience for the RCC delegates as Prof. Airwin S. Ditianquin was invited to be one of the research session chairs in the student-paper category, and Dr. Wilma G. Nonato was chosen as one of the best paper presenters in their study “Closed or Open? Lived Experiences of the Restaurateurs During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in the faculty-research category. |